Summer time can be a very fun and entertaining time of year. People are able to dress up their lawns with flowers, play out side by the pool, and over all just have a lot of fun being with family and friend outside. Outside can be very fun or very nerve racking. When we go […]
Read moreTermite and Pest Control
The time of year is fast approaching for the outside life, the family BBQ, yard work and fun, and just relaxing beside a pool.Then here comes the unwanted visitors. You know who they are Fleas, wasps, carpenter bees, ants, and the worst mosquitoes. They can be a real party killer when it comes to wanting […]
Read moreTermites are Swarming….are you covered?!
It is now that time of year to make sure that you have a termite contract. Spring is the time of year that termites start to move up and out. When this process starts you will see what looks like flying ants, but in this case they are very much not ants. Alates (swarmers) are […]
Read moreBrown Recluse Spiders on the rise. Take action now!
See on the news this week that Brown recluse spider bites are on the rise in neighboring Tennessee? This is a concern because Fall is usually when we see Brown Recluse spiders the most. Brown recluse spider bites are poisonous and require medical attention. They are known to live in cold, dark places, so make […]
Read moreThe sun is shining and the bee’s are buzzing!
Summer is well on it’s way here in Alabama! As the temperatures rise, critters come out of the places they’ve been hiding for the winter. From bees and wasps to fleas and ticks, insects in Alabama love summer! If you’ve found the mosquitos are out of control, the bees are destroying your porch and your […]
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